Thursday, 15 November 2012


It's all about commitment! I had to get up at 7am on Saturday to do a long run last week, 7am on  a Saturday to me is an ungodly hour.  Normally at this time I am going to bed, not getting up running. Of course getting up at 7am meant I couldn't go out Friday night so I was tucked up in bed at 11pm sad!!

Apparently it is best to do your long run as if it is marathon day itself so that is why we must get up at the terrible hour of 7am to eat breakfast in time for our 9am marathon. I really hope this is worth it. I have never got up on a Saturday morning at 7am before - a new experience. 

I fell out of bed, ate my breakfast and off I went to meet my training group for my seven mile run. But actually once we set off, it wasn't all that bad and when I completed the seven miles it was a great feeling. Thrilled with myself that I managed to get up and do the long run. The pace was nice and easy and it was actually not a bad run at all.

But of course I was wrecked Saturday evening, managed to drink a few glasses of wine, eat a pizza and fall into bed. I might actually not be able to go out as I will be too tired from running but on the plus side I can save money and get fit and of course eat pizza. I burned it off on the long run.

I have been keeping to the training schedule so far so good!! Last week completed 20 miles in total. I run Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Thursday mornings, rest Friday, long run Saturday and rest Sunday - a hectic  week but its all about building up the miles.

Actually although its a commitment having to go every evening I am quite enjoying it. There is a real sense of achievement when you finish but I don't know if I will be saying the same in a few months time.

I'm half way through week three now and I ran 12 miles this week so far and I make sure that even if I can't meet the training group because of work I fit in a run myself - see that shows my commitment.

This weekend it is an eight mile run which will be my longest run ever. I am actually quite excited to see if I can do.

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