Saturday, 15 June 2013

For the love of running

Since my marathon I have only been running sporadically mainly because I decided I needed a new challenge and took up cycling.  I am currently in training for the Ring of Kerry - a 180km cycle around Kerry and while it is fun I miss running and cycling has made me realise just how much I love running.
Yes I love running. When I originally started this blog it was to record my marathon but I never thought that I would be sitting here months later promoting running and encouraging others to take it up. I want this blog to continue to support runners all around the country who like me know the sheer joy of putting on your runners and heading out the door.
This blog will share my experiences of running as I prepare for my next challenge - The Dublin City Marathon - and also share what I learn along the way in the hope it will inspire more runners and help them on their own personal running journey.
While I have not done any long runs since the Tralee International Marathon I have been trying to keep my fitness up in between cycling with a few three and four milers and each one reminds again why I enjoy running. During the warm weather I took my runners to the beach in Derrynane and put in my training while working on my tan. That is dedication for you but it didn't feel like training it felt fantastic to know that I was exercising and enjoying the sun at the same time. I managed four miles in the beautiful surrounds of Derrynane House and it was amazing. Sometimes it is nice just to run for the sake of running and not training. That run gave me time to think, enjoy the sun and at the same time get some exercise and that's exactly what makes running so addictive. You can do it anywhere anytime and a run will always brighten up your day.